Monday, May 26, 2008

Pahrump, Nevada

After leaving New Orleans we wandered west. Weather was uncooperative and we hit some more bad rain in Texas and also had weather warnings a couple of times, but we missed the 60 mile an hour winds and the tornados that were forcast. Diesel fuel is now officially out of sight price wise, and it seems as we enter each state westward the price goes up about 10 cents a gallon for no reason at all. Filled up in Pahrump and think we got a deal when we paid $4.75 for a gallon. We are gonna hang out here for a week, then it's on to Fresno.

1 comment:

Louise said...

We're watching the prices creep up from this direction, too. Supposedly a bit cheaper in Wyoming; our fingers are crossed.

I know our paths will cross for a bit longer than last time and we can enjoy a meal or a beer and tell each other RV and motorcycle lies, I mean stories.