Wednesday, February 06, 2008

What are you doing this coming Tuesday?

FW: Urgent - You're Needed on Tuesday 12th for Berkeley Marines

There has been more fallout in Berkeley, California after the City Council passed a resolution that called our troops "unwelcome intruders" and called upon residents to not cooperate with any military recruiting center in the city.
Anti-military protestors, feeling emboldened by the city's blessing, chained themselves in front of the Marine Recruiting Center and prevented people from entering the facility. The police stood by and did nothing - telling people that they were "trying to remain neutral." See the video for yourself - HERE.

Photograph from San Francisco Chronicle

Thousands of you have responded to our call to action and registered your protests with the city via emails, phone calls and petitions.
Now, as Michelle Malkin reports, city council members are indicating that they may rescind the resolution at their next City Council meeting that takes place this Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 7:00 PM.
Move America Forward has already announced our plans for a giant rally outside the City Council chambers at the February 12th Council Meeting. We need people there by 5:00 PM for the council meeting start time of 7:00 PM.
However, since the news media will likely be camped out throughout the day, we will have staff arriving in the morning, and are asking as many supporters as possible to join us for at least part of the day - so there are bodies there for the cameras. Our first Move America Forward staff members will arrive at 5:00 AM (yes, in the morning) - this is when the early morning news programs begin airing in San Francisco.
The City Council Chambers are located at 2134 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way. It's right by Martin Luther King, Jr. Park. Here is a map of the location.


* Council Meeting Begins at 7:00 PM

(We are asking people to be there early,
however - if possible, start arriving by 5:00 PM)

** Also... If you can, please join us for our "picketing" of the City Council Chambers. We will be out there at 2134 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way beginning at 5:00 AM for the morning news. We will have a presence all throughout the day - the next newscasts are at 12:00 Noon, so we'll want a good size presence there as well.

Finally, we appreciate your financial support that enables Move America Forward to continue to stand up for our troops, and against those who would defame them.

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