Here's the bend in the river right next to the picnic area.
Here's a picnic area right next to the Suwannee River
Friday, June 16, 2006
We stay here just about everytime we cross Florida on Hiway 41, Tonight our little camp area was featured on The Learning Channel. It was a story about skunk apes. Pete and Linda headed home to Titusville so now our little group consists of just Roger and Rebecca and Karan and I.
We have left Key West and are heading north, a lunch stop was in order and we all gathered at Wahoo's.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Here we are, the Key West Krew, waiting for our food order at B.O.'s Fish Wagon. This is a really unique and yet very good place to eat.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Charles, son of Robert and Beth caught this barracuda right in front of our campsite at Sigsbee. After the pic he set the fish free.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Here comes the Dateline crew back aboard after taking a cooling off swim while the divers are on the bottom.
Here's a diver getting ready to enter water. As you can see, the jump off the ship is about 6 feet and he needs to jump out about 4 feet to clear the ladder. This entry is not for the faint of heart, hang on to your gear guy!
Cameraman and soundman as investor divers come back aboard after searching for treasure in the hole that Magruder has dug with her redirected prop wash. Today we found a pottery handle and a large piece of pottery.
Every region we visit seems to be known for something. San Francisco as a tourist area, Napa for wine, San Diego for it's weather and military presence. In Lawton, Ok I think they are and always will be known for their buffets. Even though the locals may want to be known for Ft. Sill or perhaps the Wichita Mountains, it won't happen, buffets will be it for them. They have Korean buffets, Chinese buffets, Japenese buffets, Bar-B-Que buffets, basic American food buffets, and I bet one of these days they will get a soup and salad buffet. Not really a buffet type of food but they also have lots of "all you can eat catfish" joints. Diets don't stand a chance here.